Book List
Available Fall / Winter 2022!
Primary Sources - Letters & Diaries
Victor Chapman’s Letters from France with memoir by John Jay Chapman, The MacMillan Company, 1917
War Letters of Kiffin Yates Rockwell—Foreign Legionnaire and Aviator, France, 1914-1916 with memoir and notes by Paul Ayres Rockwell, The Country Life Press, 1925
Norman Prince—A Volunteer Who Died for the Cause He Loved with memoir by George F. Babbitt, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1917
An American for Lafayette—The Diaries of E. C. C. Genet—Lafayette Escadrille, edited by Walt Brown, Jr., University Press of Virginia, 1981
War Letters of Edmond Genet—The First American Aviator Killed Flying the Stars and Stripes edited by Grace Ellery Channing, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1918
A Greater Love Hath No Man by Alice Weeks, Bruce Humphries, Inc., 1939
Primary Sources - Memoirs & Histories
Flying for France—With the American Escadrille at Verdun by James R. McConnell, Sergeant-Pilot in the French Flying Corps, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1916
I Flew with the Lafayette Escadrille by Edwin C. Parsons, E. C. Seale & Company, 1937
En l’Air! (In the Air)—Three Years on and above Three Fronts by Lieut. Bert Hall, An American of the French Flying Corps, The New Library, Inc., New York, 1918
One Man’s War—The Story of the Lafayette Escadrille by Bert Hall and John J. Niles, John Hamilton Limited, London, 1929
L’Escadrille Lafayette (Avril 1916—Janvier 1918) by Liet. Col. Georges Thenault, Librairie Hachette, 1939
Kitchener’s Mob—The adventures of an American in the British Army by James Norman Hall, Thomas Allen, 1916
The Lafayette Flying Corps—In Two Volumes edited by James Norman Hall and Charles Bernard Nordoff, Houghton Mifflin, 1920
Flying with Chaucer by James Norman Hall, Houghton Mifflin and Company, 1930
My Island Home by James Norman Hall, Little, Brown and Company, 1952